Governance & Leadership
TBCC Leadership Team
The TBCC Leadership Team oversees and participates in most of the major decisions at the College. Leadership Team members represent all the departments on campus and provide shared leadership and oversight to the College and ensure strategic direction and viability of the College.

Paul Jarrell

Peter Williams
Interim VP of Instruction

Rhoda Hanson
Vice President of Student Services

Michele Mayle
College Council/ Faculty Rep

Erin McCarley
Director of Institutional Effectiveness

Shari Montazari
Chief Financial Officer

Britta Lawrence
Executive Director of the TBCC Foundation and the Office of Advancement

Lorie Lund
Executive Assistant to the President and Board

Kylie Poklikuha
Human Resources Senior Manager
College Council
College Council aims to serve as a college-wide, shared-governance committee with representatives from all the major campus departments, constituencies, and committees. The primary purpose is to be a forum that facilitates dialogue on college-wide issues. The Council works with the Leadership Team to provide feedback and input on the college strategic plan, enrollment management, accreditation, and other major college initiatives and is active in all college evaluation and improvement efforts. The Council advises the President on issues that affect the entire college.
Meetings occur on the last Wednesday of each month from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. or as called by the College Council Chair and are open to all, including students.

Clare Sobotka
Representative, Library Services and Council Chair

Katie Nelson
Representative, Adjunct Faculty and Council Vice Chair

Nikole Clark
Representative, Information Technology and Council Secretary

Michele Mayle
Representative, Faculty

Baylee Beutel
Representative, Student Services

JoAnn Critelli
Representative, Community Education

John Sandusky
Representative, Faculty

Mia Gibson
Representative, Office of Advancement

ASTBCC Representative, Student Government