Determining Satisfactory Academic Progress
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Determining Satisfactory Academic Progress
Students maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress through:
- Maintaining a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher
- Successfully completing two-thirds of attempted credits each term
- Ability to complete declared degree or certificate within 150% of maximum time frame limit.
Successfully completed classes have the following grades: A, B, C, D and P (pass). Classes are considered attempted but not completed if they have the following grades: F, NP (no pass), W (withdraw) and I (incomplete).
Two-Thirds Completion Chart
Attempted Credits | Must Complete Successfully |
19 | 13 |
17-18 | 12 |
16 | 11 |
14-15 | 10 |
13 | 9 |
11-12 | 8 |
10 | 7 |
8-9 | 6 |
7 | 5 |
5-6 | 4 |
4 | 3 |
2-3 | 2 |
1 | 1 |

Repeated Courses
A student may receive financial aid for a repeated class under these conditions:
- Once for a previously passed class
- Until the student receives a passing grade for a non-completed or non-passed class (F,NP)
- If allowed by the College as published in the current course catalog
Transfer Credits
Transfer credits and non-traditional credits (including AP, CLEP,IB and Military) taken at another institution that are officially accepted towards and student’s degree or certificate will not be used in calculating Financial Aid SAP, but will count towards the 150% time frame credit limit.
Consortium Agreements
Students enrolled in more than one institution under consortium agreements are subject to the home schools SAP policy. When TBCC is the home institution, credits earned at the host institution will be included in calculation of Financial Aid SAP and the 150% maximum time frame credit limit.
Maximum Time Frame Limit
Maximum Time Frame Eligibility Federal regulations require that students complete their degree or certificate within 150% of the credits required for their program of study. For example, if an associate degree requires 90 credits, a student must complete the degree within 135 attempted credits. All attempted credits are counted in the maximum time frame (even if financial aid is not received or there are extenuating circumstances for not completing those credits.) including:
- unearned credits,
- repeated credits,
- transfer credits
Note: Up to 24 credits of Developmental Education (less than 100 level) will be excluded when calculating maximum time frame eligibility.
A student’s record will be evaluated to determine if they are able to complete their degree or certificate within the maximum time frame allowed. When it is determined a student will not complete their program within the 150% credit limit, the student will be suspended from receiving financial aid. The 150% maximum credit rule is applicable to students who change their major or pursue double majors and second degrees.
Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Process
Students may request financial aid reinstatement by completing a Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal form. Students will receive notification via TBCC email within 2-4 weeks of appeal submission with one of the following results:
- Reinstatement on probation
- Reinstatement on an academic plan with requirements
- Denial of financial aid
Financial Aid Contact
Financial Aid
(503) 842-8222 ext.1130 | Send Email
Mon – Fri 8:30am – 4:30pm
Veterans Services
(503) 842-8222 ext.1100 | Send Email