Ways to Give
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Giving to the TBCC Foundation
When you make a gift to the TBCC Foundation, you can choose what to support: our mission, a specific educational program, or students in need. Donations are always welcome, any amount will help a student pursue their dreams.
There are many giving options, and we are here to help you make a donation in the way that works for you. If you have any questions or want to discuss donating more, please contact us:
Britta Lawrence, Executive Director of Advancement and the TBCC Foundation
503-842-8222 ext. 1026
Can I make a donation with my credit card?
Yes! You can make a donation using your credit card. You can make it online via the link below, or call 503-842-8222 ext. 1027 to pay over the phone.
If you would like to make a gift using your credit card you can click the link below to make a gift through the webform. Click on the selection for a credit card. If you would like to direct your gift to a scholarship or a program, please type it into the comments box so we know where to direct your gift.
Can I mail or drop off a check?
Absolutely. You can make checks out to:
TBCC Foundation
Memo: None/Name of scholarship, program, or fundraising campaign you want to support
Mail checks to/Drop off checks at: 4301 Third St. Tillamook, OR 97141
Tax ID: 93-1232961
Leaving a gift to the TBCC Foundation through your estate plan is a smart way to manage a tax burden while leaving behind a legacy that supports education. If you have a special interest in an academic field, want to support a specific program, or would like to establish an endowed scholarship as a planned gift, please let us know. We want to help you plan your legacy.
- Make A Bequest. A will or living trust benefits you and your family and can easily include a bequest to an organization you want to support.
- Ask your attorney to review the following wording and include it in your will:
“I give and bequeath the Tillamook Bay Community College Foundation, Tax ID 93-1232961, located in Tillamook, OR 97141, and the sum of ________________ dollars OR _______________ percent of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate OR the following described property ____________________________________________________________________________________________.”
Similar language could be used to describe any organization you are interested in supporting. - Name the TBCC Foundation as a beneficiary of your retirement plan.
- Name the TBCC Foundation as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy.
- Ask your attorney to review the following wording and include it in your will:
CONTACT US TO LEARN MORE ABOUT PLANNED GIVING: brittalawrence@tillamookbaycc.edu, 503-842-8222 ext. 1026
Annual scholarships are a critical part of providing students with access and opportunity. For a minimum contribution of $1,000, you can provide funding towards a scholarship that you can designate and name.
An annual named scholarship fund may be established in the name of a person or organization with a minimum donation of $1,000. The funds may be one-time or renewed annually.
Criteria for awarding the scholarship will be determined by mutual agreement of the donor and the Executive Director. In order for the funds to provide maximum benefit, donors will be encouraged to establish scholarship criteria in broad terms.
CONTACT US TO LEARN MORE ABOUT ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIPS: brittalawrence@tillamookbaycc.edu, 503-842-8222 ext. 1026
An endowed scholarship is a great way to leave a lasting legacy that will help generations of students. You can establish an endowed scholarship in memory or honor of someone or your family’s name. An endowment can be started for $25,000 and will provide funds for scholarships in perpetuity. You can fund your endowment all at once, or grow your endowment over a five-year period.
Many generous local businesses and community members have established Endowed Scholarships already.
CONTACT US TO LEARN MORE ABOUT ENDOWMENTS: brittalawrence@tillamookbaycc.edu, 503-842-8222 ext. 1026
Take out a charitable gift annuity. Contribute cash, stock, or real estate to a charitable remainder trust and receive an immediate income tax deduction or a tax-free bypass of capital gains and income for life. The payments to you are fixed, guaranteed, and partially tax-free. The older you are, the higher the payment.
CONTACT US TO LEARN MORE ABOUT CHARITABLE GIFTS: brittalawrence@tillamookbaycc.edu, 503-842-8222 ext. 1026
TBCC Foundation
503-842-8222 ext. 1026
Do you accept gifts of stock?
Yes! Gifts of stock are a great way to make a donation to the TBCC Foundation. We have an account with Edward R. Jones in Tillamook to process stock transactions. If you are interested in transferring stock, please contact us for further information at 503-842-8222 ext. 1026 or brittalawrence@tillamookbaycc.edu. The Foundation will convert gifts of stocks, bonds, or other marketable securities to cash in a timely manner unless the Board determines that they should be retained as part of the Foundation’s portfolio. The proceeds will be deposited in the Foundation’s unrestricted account or the account designated by the donor.
Donated securities will be recorded at their fair market value on the date of the gift. Any gain or loss resulting from the sale of securities or other assets, as well as the commissions, brokerage fees, and other costs of the sale, shall be the responsibility of the Foundation fund benefiting from the contributed assets.
Do you charge an administrative fee?
A fee of 5% is charged on all gifts at the time of the donation with the exception of annual named scholarships. All other gifts are charged the administrative fee including restricted and unrestricted gifts, endowed scholarship funds, or an endowed program fund. The administrative fee on gifts provides the Foundation with resources to ensure our accountability to donors. This accountability includes a commitment to provide timely gift receipts, accurate records and accounting of funds, an annual independent review or audit of our financial statements and processes, and efficient disbursement of gift funds to students and programs at the College. In order to assure budgetary and financial stability, the Foundation Finance committee reviews the gift fee on a regular basis to determine if adjustments are needed.
Tax-exempt status:
The TBCC Foundation mobilizes private support for student scholarships and educational programs. Contributions to the TBCC Foundation are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Tax ID: 93-1232961